Monday 3 October 2016

Assign 4: Types of OTS

1.) What is the difference between these 2 OTS's?
2.) Match to 3 types
3.) What are the next 3 - which ones do they match to the first 3? How?

Enemy of the State
American Horror Story: Coven
The Shining

Group task:  Assign 4: Types of OTS              You will present this in lesson next Thur (12A) and Fri (12C).
Format: prezi
Resources:  youtube search
Can be ANY genre.

Find 1-2 examples for each category. It cannot be a film you studied before.
Explain why you think the type has been chosen.

You must learn how to embed youtube videos on prezi:  click here for how to put youtube video in prezi!

How to divide the work: pair in group to do 1 together, all should put prezi together (not always 1 person!!!) You must share the responsibility.

-title page with assign name and group names
-OTS 1 embedded on prezi
-OTS 1 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 1 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

-OTS 2 embedded on prezi
-OTS 2 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 2 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

-OTS 3 embedded on prezi
-OTS 3 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 3 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

There are 3 types of OTS:
LINEAR  Linear – chronological/continuity to let the story unfold -  (i.e. Forrest Gump, the Shining)

NON LINEAR  Non-linear - flickering parts of the story, may be montage (i.e. Se7en, Enemy of the State)

SYMBOLIC  Symbolic - it's all about the symbolism, may not have anything from actual film (i.e Girl with dragon tattoo, American Horror Story, Sweeney Todd)

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