Monday 31 October 2016

Swede video

Welcome back :)

The objectives of the video:
-get the video as similar as possible to original
-NO ripping of anything from the original trailer except music 
-original sounds/foleys except non diegetic music 
-original titles 
-remember transitions 

This video is DUE by end of day on Friday at 3pm.

1. Go to your set computer 
2. Download Mp4 of the official trailer 
3. Set new library, event, project  (Group __ swede)
4. Upload footage onto mac  
5. Start editing your footage to match the video in the corner. 

During group editing.......(so everyone is doing something)
-One person can look up the sound effects (i.e. whoosh, door slams, screams etc)
and One person can work on titles 

Swede planning detentions

Monday 31 Oct:  3:05-4:05

Adam W

Adam B

Harry (will serve tues)
Victor (will serve tues)


Friday 14 October 2016

Swede planning

Sorry I'm not in today, this will be due Monday as I gave the other class an extension :)

Monday 3 October 2016

Assign 4: Types of OTS

1.) What is the difference between these 2 OTS's?
2.) Match to 3 types
3.) What are the next 3 - which ones do they match to the first 3? How?

Enemy of the State
American Horror Story: Coven
The Shining

Group task:  Assign 4: Types of OTS              You will present this in lesson next Thur (12A) and Fri (12C).
Format: prezi
Resources:  youtube search
Can be ANY genre.

Find 1-2 examples for each category. It cannot be a film you studied before.
Explain why you think the type has been chosen.

You must learn how to embed youtube videos on prezi:  click here for how to put youtube video in prezi!

How to divide the work: pair in group to do 1 together, all should put prezi together (not always 1 person!!!) You must share the responsibility.

-title page with assign name and group names
-OTS 1 embedded on prezi
-OTS 1 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 1 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

-OTS 2 embedded on prezi
-OTS 2 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 2 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

-OTS 3 embedded on prezi
-OTS 3 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 3 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

There are 3 types of OTS:
LINEAR  Linear – chronological/continuity to let the story unfold -  (i.e. Forrest Gump, the Shining)

NON LINEAR  Non-linear - flickering parts of the story, may be montage (i.e. Se7en, Enemy of the State)

SYMBOLIC  Symbolic - it's all about the symbolism, may not have anything from actual film (i.e Girl with dragon tattoo, American Horror Story, Sweeney Todd)

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Assign 3: Iconography

Assign 3 iconography from twbsmediaconnell

12A Groups

1. Zak's group: Zombie virus

2. Bailey's group: madness and paranoia

3. Sachin's group: zombie virus

4. Dean's group: zombie virus

12C Groups

1. Sami, Jack, Cameron, Zain - slasher

2. Conner, Toby, Mykola, Josh S - devils, demons and hell

3. Jamie, Josh G, Harvey, Vincent - slasher

4. Liam H, Liam CT, Michael, Fazal - zombie

Thursday 1 September 2016

Welcome to AS coursework blog!

This blog is for everything regarding coursework, unit title is Foundation Portfolio and code is G321.


     (20 marks from research and planning - so, the work on blog)
     (60 marks from your film opening - so, the filming and editing)
     (20 marks from evaluation - have to answer 7 questions)