Thursday 23 February 2017

Sunday 19 February 2017

Other presentation and photo collection software for planning work


You will shortly receive your full blog list of all your planning work.  Try to incorporate them all in your planning:

Presentation: animated videos and presentations

Photo collection/photo sharing:

(Production) Assign ___: Blood workshop

As a blog post or in a presentation, in 4 sections:

1)      Washing up liquid blood (green washing up liquid/red food colouring)
2)      Chocolate blood (golden syrup/water/cocoa/red food colouring)
3)      Ketchup Blood (ketchup/golden syrup/red food colouring/water)
4)      Icing sugar blood

Under each section:

-reflect on what you thought of it, if you’d like to use it in your video etc

click here for excellent presentation from blood workshop

(Reflection) Assign 28: The Team

Due: Wed 22 Feb

-Create a presentation using an online presentation program which introduces the team…include a title page with the title ‘the team’ with your full names

CHOOSE COLOURS FOR THE REST OF THE TASKS (and keep this on every task from now on)

-Complete as ‘Emaze’  or ‘Slides’ presentation

-Each person has 1 slide which includes:
-their picture              -strengths                   -weaknesses                    -personal targets for coursework

(Reflection) Assign 27: Audience feedback from individual pitch

1. Summarise the positive feedback you received:

2. Summarise the areas of improvement you received:

3. Name 2-3 main targets you want to consider or achieve for your OTS.

Thursday 9 February 2017

(Planning) Assign 26: Individual Pitch

DUE: Monday Feb 20

FORMAT:  Powerpoint

Remember, be challenge yourself BUT it must be achievable and practical 

Slide 1: Title page
Slide 2: Choice of horror subgenre for your idea
Slide 3: Name 5 films in your horror subgenre
Slide 4: Explain the conventions of the horror subgenre you have chosen and give examples from films
Slide 5: Explain what will happen in 2 mins (about 10 bullet points)
Slide 6: Explain how you are meeting conventions
Extension: Explain how you will be original and unique (so the idea is not cliche)
Slide 7: Identify and explain your narrative enigmas
Slide 8: Explain any main targets you want to achieve to make it effective ie. camerawork? costume? props? location? editing? etc
Optional extension:  Show any inspiration clips from films that gives an idea of something you want to achieve. (For example, if you want a chase scene, is there a film that has this that inspires you?)

Choice of horror subgenres:

Phobia/Isolation (Psychological)*
Madness/Paranoia (Psychological/Killer)*
Home Invasion (Psychological/Killer) *be careful this is not a thriller, must be horror!
Slasher (Killer)
Backwoods & Redneck (Killer)*
Zombie (undead or virus) (Monster)
Vampire (Monster)*
Werewolf (Monster)*
Ghost and spirits (Paranormal)
Haunted house (Paranormal) *this is dependent on the right location
Possession (Paranormal)
Devil, Demon, Hell (paranormal) *a little tricky
Witches & Occult (Paranormal)*
Supernatural (Paranormal)*
Creepy kid
Gothic horror

*= not seen often

My top tips for a good horror film:
-convincing costume, props and make-up (inc realistic fake blood)
-filming at night usually = bad lighting
-don't underestimate effect music 
-don't forget about diegetic sounds, foleys are excellent (ie. celery for breaking bones)
-effective locations
-consider cool lighting effects/tricks
-consider cool horror tricks (editing/filming) such as jump cutting (like the ring), reverse, dragged away on skateboards etc. (search on youtube)
-convincing villains that are not cliche (think, what is truly creepy/scary/disturbing etc?)
-no white masks!
-no running through a forest chase scene which is a dream!
-no killers with hoodies!
-non-linear can be interesting
-pace that builds to create tension and anxiety on audience (could inc jump scares) 
-read examiner reports click on 'mark schemes and reports', then 'chief examiner report'

2014 = construction report

2016 = construction report


Monday 6 February 2017

(Production) Assign 24: Production photos of preliminary

Feb 9

Use animoto, photopeach or makeagif to present your photos

(Production) Assign 25: Preliminary video

On Blog: Feb 10

Embed your preliminary

(Planning) Assign 23: Preliminary Planning

Due:  Thur 9 Feb

Task: Complete a 1min video that has a character walking, walk through a door, sit down at a table and exchange 3-4 lines of dialogue with a character who is already sitting there. Film before Thur

Complete in prezi and include the following planning work
1.      Overhead plan
2.      Storyboard
3.      Location photos
4. Script

Skills/techniques you must include:
Match on action
Variety of shots (long/mid/close ups….)
180 degree rule
Shot reverse shot 

(Reflection) Assign 20: Reflecting on audience research

On blog:  Feb 6

Five key aspects we learnt about completing audience research (interviews/social media task) was...


We will consider the following things when designing our opening title sequence because of what we learnt doing audience research:

(Reflection) Assign 22: Practice opening sequence reflection

Date on blog: Feb 8

Copy and complete questions (as individuals)

1. To edit this sequence we used the following tools in Final Cut Pro....

2. I decided to make a linear / non-linear because....

3. Reflect on the level of challenge in using Final Cut Pro to construct the narrative you were trying to convey...

4. In the future, I need to develop the following skills to improve my editing....

(Production) Assign 21: Practice opening sequence

Date on blog: Feb 7

Embed your practice opening sequence (man in the cave)