Tuesday 31 January 2017

Assign 16-19 DUE MONDAY

Make sure all assignments are up-to-date on Monday Feb 6.

Research is coming to a close and you are now entering the planning phase. If you need to improve any research, make sure you do it over weekend. Remember it's about 1/2 the marks!

(Planning) Assign 19: Exploring ideas

Monday 30 January 2017

(Research) Assign 18: Audience research social media

(Feb 6)

1.      Same idea as assign 18 but post on your facebook/twitter and screen shot people’s responses

Different group members could post different responses (1 group member to post questions 1-2, another 3 etc etc

Complete as blog post - just embedding the screenshots (need to save screenshots as JPEGs and upload them as photos on blog post)

(Research) Assign 17: Audience research video interviews

Audience research video interviews (due Monday) (due Feb 6 - edit on Thur/Friday)

  •  Each member of the group interview 1 person and ask questions below (film on phone or camera)
  •  Try to have some range in age/gender/class/interests etc but don’t film young children (below 14) as they are not permitted to watch horror films, nor will they reflect effective audience research
  • Keep it brief – try to encourage the person you are interviewing to get straight to the point.
  • Also, practice the interview before filming to prevent errors
  • Set up library (group __ assign 22), event (interview footage), project in final cut (group __ assign 22)
  •  Import footage into event
  •  In project, create a title ‘Group __: Assign 22 Audience Research’  and put your names  (just on black screen)
  • Type the questions in black (all 5 of them)
  •  Import answers to question 1, then question 2………so it goes question 1, answer, answer, answer, answer, question 2, answer, answer…..etc etc
  •  Complete editing and check volume control
  •  Export as quicktime
  • Upload to youtube (unlisted)
  • Embed on blog

1. What’s your favourite and least favourite horror film and why?
2. What’s your favourite and least favourite horror subgenre and why?  (if they dont know subgenre tell them: for example.......killer, monster, zombie, creepy kid etc) 
3. What attracts you to horror films?
4. What makes a good horror film?
5. What makes a bad horror film?

(Research) Assign 16: Film titles/credits research

(Jan 30) (use artofthetitle or youtube or Netflix to look at OTS)  
Format: Presentation of your choice

You need to complete 2 films within your group, each pair in your group could look at 1 opening sequence each (different films)
*You choose the genre, but try not to search look at films with too much CGI 

Show your research of film titles and credits by uploading screen shots with the captions by looking at following info:

-what’s the order? (like film billing task)
-Placement in frame? 
-Suitability for genre?

Friday 27 January 2017

(Research) Assign 15: Film Billing

1. We will look at an example in class (Juno)

2. Fill in the sheet of 2nd film (____________) and take a pic and upload it on the blog.

3. Include the hyperlink to the OTS in the post underneath the sheet of the film billing details.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

(Research) Assign 14: Mainstream vs Independent Horror Film and their Audiences


(complete as a prezi presentation - INCLUDE LOTS OF PICTURES

A mainstream film means……..
An example of a mainstream horror films is….
It is mainstream because…..
It’s target audience would be…..

An independent film means……
An example of an independent film is…. 
It is independent because….
It’s target audience would be….

Optional extension as individuals (just do as a blog post short paragraph):  
I enjoy     mainstream/independent    type of films the most because…… 

Blog Feedback

  • mostly correct blog titles 
  • embedded powerpoints
  • embedded videos
  • mostly correct tagging
  • mostly correct dates (so work is sequential) but not everyone did this

  • do not tag non-group members (old groups)
  • presentation of text - be consistent throughout the blog
  • presentation of text - be concise; use bullet points/bold/spacing to help presentation (not huge bulky paragraphs that will not be read
  • group work should be joint powerpoints
  • title page on all presentations including assign #, assign name and your names 

Average level = L2.

Monday 23 January 2017

(Research) Assign 13: Mass vs Niche audiences

(complete as a blog post or online presentation) (date as Jan 26 on blog)

Copy and complete the following statements below:

A mass audience is…….

A niche audience is……

Most horror films are niche audiences because……..

Give examples of different 3 subgenres of horror and identify their niche audiences and explain why they have those types of audiences…..HAVE PICTURES IN YOUR PRESENTATION/POST!

this presentation is useful to read!

Film examples: Resident Evil, Blade, From Duck till Dawn

Age: 15-25  (young people like the thrill (esp in their teenage years and 20's) and won't be put off violence/horror)

Gender: Male  (again, thrill seekers and entertained by the action and violence - more associated with masculinity)

Class: Working Class (C1, C2, D, E) (thrills at a cheap price, fast and instant form of entertainment) 

Groups: Either first date (comfort or film can create conversations to have together) or group of 'the lads' (find similar interests and can relate to/identify with themes or characters in the film)

(Research: Assign 12: Horror film target audiences


Create using the presentation of your choice  (could try emaze = https://www.emaze.com/)

a) Screen shot from pearl & dean (of any horror film) http://business.pearlanddean.com/audience_profile 

b) Screen shot from yougov profiler (of any horror film) https://yougov.co.uk/profileslite#/ 

c) Explain the target audience (including demographics and psychographics) for 1 horror film each (each person do a different horror film from a different subgenre)

Person 1: __________________

Person 2: __________________

Person 3: __________________

Person 4: __________________

(Research Assign 11: What is a target audience


Create using the presentation program 'slides': http://slides.com/ 

Include the following in the presentation:

a) Definition of target audience
b) Definition of secondary audience
c) Explain demographics
d) Explain psychographics

Make sure you have visuals in your presentation (not all text)

Thursday 19 January 2017

Monday 16 January 2017

(Research) Assign 10: OTS Research

Set: 16 Jan
Due: Mon 23 Jan

Group based.

This purpose of this task is to show understanding of conventions of 2 horror opening title sequence's of your choice.

Use the following websites to research horror opening title sequences:
youtube search

Task 1: Write down details on the work sheets and then take a pic and upload this on blog. (or put into powerpoint)
Task 2: complete 6-9 frame analysis

Present your research like you did for the subgenre research, keep it visual. OR you can make a powerpoint to layout your research and then embed this on blog

Assign 9 MODEL

Here is an example of what you should do for research:

I watched the trailer and a few film clips from the film 'Zombieland'.

I learnt the following things:

  • It is common there is a wide spread virus threatening the leftover humans
  • Settings are often abandoned 
  • Realistic and bloody costume and make up is imperative for it to be gory/scary
  • There's often a main hero who is a male but the representation of gender can vary as the young girls with guns show they are strong survivors 
Humans kill zombies to save themselves, often with weapons 
Chase sequences which create a lot of tension

Girls with guns - subverting stereotypes about girls

Anyone can be a zombie, this also added to the humour in the film

(Research) Assign 9: Individual Research

Set: Mon 16 Jan
Due: Mon 23 Jan

The objective of this task is to show research of films in a range of horror subgenres. This is to show your knowledge and understanding of conventions in a range of horror subgenres.

Horror subgenres:

  • 7-12 horror films* each (more if you want)  (*you don't have to watch whole film)
  • use youtube, Art of the TitleWatch the Titles, netflix, DVD's etc. 
  • In research include:
    • Embedded link to video 
    • Conventions of the subgenre
    • Screenshots from the film to illustrate your understanding of conventions (include captions on photo) 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Evaluation of Swede

1. I received ___ grade for my research and planning in my swede.

2. WWW in my research and planning was....

3.  To improve my research and planning I needed to....

4. I received ___ grade for my video in my swede.

5. WWW in my video was....

6.  To improve my video I needed to....

7. My 3 personal targets to have good coursework are:

Monday 2 January 2017

Back to coursework and quick review

So far you have.....

Assign 1: Genres and Subgenres

Assign 2: OTS Analysis  (set films)

Assign 3: Iconography in _______  (subgenre of your choice)

Assign 4: Types of OTS

Assign 5: Planning of swede

Assign 6: Swede video

Assign 7: Looking at other c/w (below)
*not finished....

1. Make sure you have all assignments on Office 365 or USB for next lesson.

2. Revise for exam
-revise key terms
-practice note taking
-revise intro structure
-practice PEAL responses
-know the possible stereotypes for gender, sexuality, ability/disability, regional identity

3. Assign 7: Evaluating student work
Task: Find 1 student video (opening sequence and evaluate it's success)
a) Have video link  (e-mail it to you/me)
b) Write mark out of /60 and include grade
c) Evaluate using WWW/EBI (consider the mark scheme)

Next week: Swede evaluation

Please let me know your group preferences and I will inform you next Monday of set c/w groups.