Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Assign 3: Iconography

Assign 3 iconography from twbsmediaconnell

12A Groups

1. Zak's group: Zombie virus

2. Bailey's group: madness and paranoia

3. Sachin's group: zombie virus

4. Dean's group: zombie virus

12C Groups

1. Sami, Jack, Cameron, Zain - slasher

2. Conner, Toby, Mykola, Josh S - devils, demons and hell

3. Jamie, Josh G, Harvey, Vincent - slasher

4. Liam H, Liam CT, Michael, Fazal - zombie

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Welcome to AS coursework blog!

This blog is for everything regarding coursework, unit title is Foundation Portfolio and code is G321.


     (20 marks from research and planning - so, the work on blog)
     (60 marks from your film opening - so, the filming and editing)
     (20 marks from evaluation - have to answer 7 questions)